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Triumph: Tales of Success!


Velvit is a young Torti-colored kitty who presented to our Care First Animal Hospital at Falls Pointe location for vomiting. It didn’t take our doctors long to figure out what was wrong…

The holidays are usually a fun time for people and pets. While we enjoy looking at the holiday decorations, our pets enjoy playing with and sometimes eating them. Velvit came to our location after her mom noted she had been vomiting for about 24 hours. On exam her abdomen was very painful, so much so that she vocalized and fell over. She was also dehydrated from all of the vomiting. Radiographs were taken of her abdomen revealing possible plication or “bunching” of the intestines. With this finding, the abdominal pain, and the vomiting, our doctors concurred that Velvit probably had eaten something she shouldn’t have and that she needed surgery right away.

Velvit was taken to surgery that day. Our doctors found linear foreign objects which appeared to be tinsel and ribbon in quite a bit of the stomach and intestines! They removed the foreign objects and Velvit recovered well from surgery. She had to stay in the hospital for another day but then was able to go home with pain medications and antibiotics.

Have you walked through your house lately looking for anything that your pets may play with or try to eat? Strings, hair ties, ribbon, yarn, and other similar objects are so much fun for our cats to play with but can cause major issues if eaten. Plants such as lilies and aloe bring life and color to a home but can be dangerous to our cats. Velvit’s owners were smart to get her in so quickly, if they had waited any longer then her condition could have turned much more serious. We encourage you to take a cat’s-eye walk through your home to look for anything your cat may play with or eat.

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