Our Training Offices

Our training services take place at our Glenwood location. 

Dog Training for Any Age

Care First Animal Hospital goes beyond the health of your pets. Our dog training experts can help train your furry friend to improve companion dog life skills, focus, general behavior, anxiety, cooperative care (grooming and medical visit) skills, and minor reactivity. At Care First, we offer in-person training sessions. Take a look through our FAQs to find more information on our training offerings.

If your dog barks and lunges in public near other dogs and/or humans, please email the instructors before signing up for a class to ensure group class is the right fit for you and your dog.

Jasey's Email:  [email protected]

Liz's Email:  [email protected]

Family Pet 7-7:55pm Tuesdays & Wednesdays

Puppies and beginner adult dogs Start your solid foundation and learn how to work with your dog over time as life throws new distractions your way! Learn how to teach your dog to sit, down, stay, leave it, loose leash walk, be polite for greetings, go and stay at a station (bed), drop it, and come when called. Also learn how to teach your dog how to pay attention in distractions, take treats gently, have self control and accept general handling.

Confident K9 8-8:55pm Tuesdays

Beginner puppies to advanced dogs. Some students take this class before taking Family Pet. Class has three valuable yet fun focuses: (1) Cooperative care skills for grooming and veterinary care: nail trimming, ear cleaning, body handling, tooth brushing, re-enacting exams, injections, blood draws and more! (2) Canine fitness for body awareness and confidence: front foot targeting, sideways walking, reverse walking, rear foot walking, shake, cavalettis, circles and platforms. (3) Pattern games to reduce arousal, anxiety or excitement so your dog focuses in distractions!

Advanced Family Pet Offered 8-8:55pm Wednesdays

Dogs should have taken a basic manners class or done foundational training before taking this class. E-mail Liz if you have any questions. This class focuses on increasing proficiency in basic manner skills like recalls, greeting people and other dogs, loose leash walking and stays. Distractions will be used in this class to increase these skills.

Meet Our Trainers


Learn more about our trainers here! 

Video Training Resources

Is paying for dog training worth it?

Professional training will teach your dog basic skills and tricks, while also providing an opportunity for them to learn obedience, strengthen their confidence, reduce non-desirable behaviors and reinforce the bond you share.

How long does it take to train a dog?

With training and consistent practice outside of the classroom, you should notice a change in your dog’s behavior anywhere from 3-8 weeks. Dog training may vastly change depending on the dog, its environment and training history. Taking a systematic approach is the best way for you and your dog to adjust to training routines and demands.  After the first session, many students continue training in group classes or find a sport/hobby for their dogs - the students realize how fun training is and the positive impact on their dog!