When your pet’s illness requires extra care and a scheduled surgery, Care First Animal Hospital has the equipment, skills and genuine care that you would like your veterinarian to have when performing a procedure or veterinary service for your beloved pet. Trust our team with your non-emergency surgeries for pets in Cary, NC and throughout the Triangle.

General Pet Surgeries

Before your pet goes into surgery, we perform a preoperative exam on the day of the surgery to ensure that your pet is healthy enough for the procedure. In addition, pre-op blood work is recommended to test your pet’s liver and kidney functions to see if they can filter out the anesthetics properly. Our friendly veterinarians will discuss the procedure and any possible complications with you and answer any questions you might have.

Our state-of-the-art monitoring system is used for every pet under anesthesia and keeps track of heart rate, respiratory rate, oximetry and takes an ECG, allowing us to know immediately if there is any trouble. The anesthetics we use are a combination, as well as isoflurane gas to maintain proper anesthetic planes, and pain is managed before, during and after the surgery.

Orthopedic & Soft Tissue Surgery

As our doctors are here to prevent, treat and cure a variety of medical conditions, we offer soft tissue and orthopedic surgery in Cary and nearby cities. We take a team approach to all of our medicinal and surgical practice, allowing our vets to develop advanced surgical skill that benefits you and your pets. Orthopedic surgery can correct problems due to injury, degenerative diseases and congenital conditions, and reconstructive procedures help in the healing process and reduce the pain of our patients.

Spay & Neuter Your Pets

Did you know that spaying or neutering your pet reduces several health risks and often extends their life an average of two to three years? Our vets recommend that male and female cats and dogs be neutered or spayed before six months of age.

Female dogs that are spayed prior to their first heat have a relative risk of 0.05% chance of developing mammary cancer, while if you wait until after their second heat, that risk increases to 26%. Our Cary pet spaying also eliminates the risk of uterine infections, which require emergency surgeries.

Neutered male pets will not develop testicular cancer and are less likely to roam, dig or jump under fences or demonstrate other unwanted behaviors searching for a mate.